Posted in Christianity, Faith

Salvation for all

If I can speak in tongues and cast out demons,

If I can sing with the voice of a nightingale and play the piano like an Opera master,

If I get the best teacher award or become the Scientist of the year,

If I become a philanthropist and give money to the less privileged,

It profits me not if I do not have love towards my neighbour,

It profits me not if I do not love unconditionally like Jesus does,

It profits me not if I do or get all these things just so that people can say good things about me but God does not recognize me as His own,

If the love of God is missing, it profits me not.

This LOVE was manifested in full dimension when JESUS died on the Cross of Calvary for the sin of the whole world.

Dear friend,

I invite you today to experience this love.

Only believe in Jesus and turn away from sin.

Happy Sunday,

Have a blissful week.




Blessing is a prolific writer who draws inspiration from her environment and is fascinated by Science. When she is not writing, she teaches Science to High school students

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