Posted in Motivation, Education, Growth, Education

How to improve your learners’ performance through reflective practice


Reflective practice is a term that is gaining good recognition and usage in professional fields like education and medicine.

In simple terms, it means thinking about what you do or did with the aim of assessing and evaluating which will lead to improvement.

Another definition describes reflective practice as the ability to reflect or think on one’s actions so as to engage in a process of continuous learning.

In education, we mostly emphasize that teachers should carry out reflective practice because it helps improve their work output.

We can also encourage our learners to engage in reflective practice.

One of the numerous benefits of students engaging in reflective practice is improved grades.

Now, let’s examine scenario.

You administered a test to your learners.

You have marked their scripts or answer papers.

Instead of just handling it back to them and doing correction in the class,

Let them reflect on their work.

You can encourage them to do reflective practice on their scripts using the following prompts.

๐Ÿ˜ข What aspect of the test was hard, which questions did you struggle in?

๐Ÿค—What questions did you find easy?

๐Ÿค” What do you think you can do to get more marks?

๐Ÿค”What will do you better when faced with similar questions in the future.

Allow them to reflect on these questions for 10-15 minutes and have a discussion around it, giving each one of them an opportunity to take about their reflection.

This builds a consciousness in them.

They will become more intentional when studying as they can connect their mistakes and make mental notes not to repeat them.

It boosts their morale

It motivates them to do better.

๐Ÿ˜„I’ve carried this with my students and it was a lovely experience.

Would you try it too?

If you have been practicing it, kindly share your experience with us in the comment section.

Thank you.


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